Tag Archive: inspiration


Who am I?

I am the mouth
A voice yearning to be heard
I am the eyes
I’ve seen, but haven’t been seen
I am the ears
That wills to sit and listen
I am the hand
Offered to catch the fallen
I am the mind
Craving the attention of knowledge
I am the heart
Beating but broken
I am the tears
Happiness and saddness that leaks
I am the soul
One that seeks resonance of another
I am the human
Speaking, listening, hearing, feeling… living


We all have these demons we’re fighting
Clawing, ripping, and bitting
Paralyzed by torture and plague
Day after day we plead and beg
Praying for sweet sincerity
Yet, fall into solidarity
Broken, beaten, and scared
An internal conflict left impaired
We create that which we fear
Clouding what should be so clear
These sins that bar our path
Forcing us to face torments’ wrath
Maybe it hurts to move
But we’ve all something to prove
Maybe it seems implausible
But nothing, nothing is impossible